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(Deluxe Edition)
This book is a revelation. Written by the contemporary thinker, poet and philosopher Dimitris Kakalidis, is a river of knowledge and wisdom that surges out of the source of Existence...
(English Edition)
The book “The Concealed Lotus of Manifestation” is the first part of the poetic trilogy by Dimitris Kakalidis. The trilogy also includes...
The book “Fallen Paradise Holy Matter” is the second part of the poetic trilogy by Dimitris Kakalidis. The trilogy also includes...
The book “Logos the Third” is the third part of the poetic trilogy by Dimitris Kakalidis. The trilogy also includes...
The book “Incentives I” is the first volume of a poetic collection by Dimitris Kakalidis, completed by the second volume “Incentives II”. The collection consists of rhyming quatrains....
The book “Incentives II” is the second volume of a poetic collection by Dimitris Kakalidis, following the first volume “Incentives I”. The collection consists of rhyming quatrains...
This is a jewel book for Greek Literature; a rare, diachronic, deeply philosophical piece of work with pioneering analyses of poems of Greek poets. Dimitris Kakalidis approaches, with respect...
In the context of the Literary Workshop’s activities, it was created a Literary Writing Group. With pencils and will power sharpened, writing by writing...
“The learning experience of each individual is a composite one. It is taken in by breathing, by eating, by making love. Sometimes the teachings are understood and sometimes not...
(Ανανεωμένη Έκδοση σε πρακτικό μέγεθος)
Ο αναγνώστης του βιβλίου εντυπωσιάζεται από την ειλικρίνεια με την οποία η συγγραφέας περιγράφει τους φόβους που βίωνε. Ο λόγος της είναι απλός και σαφής...
«Η αρρώστια μου έγινε για μένα ένα κίνητρο για αναζήτηση της πνευματικότητας και με οδήγησε να αφοσιωθώ στην εκμάθηση και εξάσκηση της πνευματικής θεραπείας...
If you search the Fairytale Map, two ice creams up and one somersault to the right, somewhere there next to Wonderland, you will discover a different Land...
"With the fourth collection, the creator, more mature now, surrenders all the obstacles so as to redeem and complete an important circle...
A book with an autobiographical character, where the writer, with a simple style, journey's us to pathways and fuctionings of her life which in a magical way are connected...
Στη σημερινή εποχή η γυναίκα συμμετέχει πλέον δυναμικά σε όλους τους τομείς της ζωής. Η συμμετοχή της αυτή είναι φυσικό να επηρεάζει τόσο την ίδια όσο και...
(New Edition in a more practical size)
“The human being has the ability to heal themselves and others”. This idea may surprise, but it also conveys an optimistic message...
(Ανανεωμένη Έκδοση με νέο εξώφυλλο και πρακτικό μέγεθος)
«Πνευματική θεραπεία είναι η ίδια η ζωή. Είναι η ακτινοβολία του ήλιου, η περιστροφική κίνηση της γης, της καρδιάς οι ρυθμικοί παλμοί, το έργο που αέναα επιτελείται...
(New English Edition in a more practical size)
"The learning experience of each individual is a composite one. It is taken in by breathing, by eating, by making love. Sometimes the teachings are understood and sometimes not...
«Άκου τους ήχους της γης. Άκου το βόμβο της και τη μελωδία της.»
«Μαζί με τους παλμούς μέσα στο σώμα μου, άρχισα να ακούω και άλλους δυνατούς...
«Πέτρο, όλα αυτά που μου λες σχετικά με την οδήγηση συνοψίζονται σε ένα μόνο θέμα: δε θαυμάζεις! Γι' αυτό κι έχεις όλα αυτά τα προβλήματα. Αν αρχίσεις να...
(Β' Ανανεωμένη Έκδοση)
Το βιβλίο αυτό είναι μια μελέτη του άντρα σε σχέση με το φύλο του και με το γυναικείο φύλο. Αναφέρεται στα γνωρίσματα του άντρα και στις αλλαγές έκφρασής τους...
English Edition - (New Edition in a more practical size)
“The human being has the ability to heal themselves and others”. This idea may surprise, but it also conveys an optimistic message, because as stated in the subtitle...
(The Wisdom of the Short Story - English Edition)
"The Wisdom of the Short Story" is a profound and philosophical work. Dimitris Kakalidis, often in a poetical manner, analyzes the stories, delves into...
In the book’s opening the author sends a letter to her “unknown known Reader” and opens a dialogue with him/her. Through this dialogue “in simple thoughts and deeds” of daily life, the flow of life...
Το βιβλίο αυτό δεν γράφτηκε. Κατά κυριολεξία το βιβλίο αυτό ειπώθηκε, συζητήθηκε, κουβεντιάστηκε. Είναι λόγος προφορικός, ζωντανός, άμεσος γιατί...
This book was not written. This book was literally said, discussed, talked about. It is spoken word, alive, direct, because each one of its chapters is a speech or a discussion that took place in a group...
The poetic collection "Homecoming - Poetry as therapy" deals with the subjects of change, belonging, nostos but also rebirth through a spiritual path...
(German Edition)
(Turkish Edition)
(...ΑΠΛΟ ΔΕΝ ΕΙΝΑΙ; - Γαλλική Έκδοση)
“In the woman’s embrace there is no ‘I’ or ‘You’, there are no roles and manners. There is only love playing all roles with all manners...
“The teacher forges the children’s consciousness; he/she works without inhibitions, with knowledge and love, both in their negative and positive expressions until the essence emerges...
(Ο Διαχρονικός Δάσκαλος III - Αγγλική Έκδοση)
«Τα πάντα μπορούν να βρεθούν και να χαθούν μέσα στους κύκλους της ζωής. Η αγάπη δεν χάνεται ποτέ, η Αγάπη που είναι η Ουσία των πάντων»...
(Γ' Ανανεωμένη Έκδοση)
«Ενώ είχα ξαπλώσει για να κοιμηθώ, δέχτηκα ένα πολύ δυνατό τράνταγμα, που με ξάφνιασε. Ήταν σαν να όρμησε στο μυαλό μου ένα κατάλευκο φως που με…
«Τα πάντα βρίσκονται μέσα στο νου σας. Το άπειρο, το τίποτα, οι αμέτρητες ιδέες και μορφές». Με αυτά τα λόγια ο Δάσκαλος έδωσε μια νέα, διευρυμένη διάσταση...
(English Deluxe Edition)
“One more victory for man. He learnt to become himself, he the extraordinary”. The symbols that the creator of a narrative uses in order to weave his myth, to bring his heroes to life...
“Each poem and a vision, each vision and a truth, a potential realization.” This is a jewel book for Greek Literature; a rare, diachronic, deeply philosophical piece of work with pioneering...
Readers of this book are impressed by the honesty of the author describing the fears she has experienced. They are, also, impressed by the gratitude she expresses to the Master...
"My illness became a motive to seek spirituality that lead me to devote myself in learning and practicing spiritual healing, which I was taught in the spiritual centre "Omilos Eksipiretiton"...
In this candid, insightful compilation of short stories Ade Durojaiye invites us to join Alex, the main character of the book, on his journey towards spiritual awareness...
In the book’s opening the author sends a letter to her “unknown known Reader” and opens a dialogue with him/her. Through this dialogue “in simple thoughts and deeds” of daily life...
The second book of the series “The Timeless Master” speaks about the masters that guide us with their word and mostly their deeds in the path of esoteric seeking; a path they have...
“Everything can be found and lost within the circles of life. Love never perishes, Love that is the Essence of all.” This attitude penetrates all chapters of this book, variations of the same...
“What is the point in all the theories, in accumulating information and acquiring knowledge, in the progress of sciences and technological leaps other than to bring an essential result...
(2nd Edition)
“Why remain in limitation when there is broadness?” Whatever the path each person follows, it is always a life path. And life is the soul that through the various courses all people follow...
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