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“The learning experience of each individual is a composite one. It is taken in by breathing, by eating, by making love. Sometimes the teachings are understood and sometimes not...
(Γ' Ανανεωμένη Έκδοση)
«Ενώ είχα ξαπλώσει για να κοιμηθώ, δέχτηκα ένα πολύ δυνατό τράνταγμα, που με ξάφνιασε. Ήταν σαν να όρμησε στο μυαλό μου ένα κατάλευκο φως που με…
«Τα πάντα βρίσκονται μέσα στο νου σας. Το άπειρο, το τίποτα, οι αμέτρητες ιδέες και μορφές». Με αυτά τα λόγια ο Δάσκαλος έδωσε μια νέα, διευρυμένη διάσταση...
(Ανανεωμένη Έκδοση με νέο εξώφυλλο και πρακτικό μέγεθος)
«Πνευματική θεραπεία είναι η ίδια η ζωή. Είναι η ακτινοβολία του ήλιου, η περιστροφική κίνηση της γης, της καρδιάς οι ρυθμικοί παλμοί, το έργο που αέναα επιτελείται...
A book with an autobiographical character, where the writer, with a simple style, journey's us to pathways and fuctionings of her life which in a magical way are connected...
(2nd Edition)
“Why remain in limitation when there is broadness?” Whatever the path each person follows, it is always a life path. And life is the soul that through the various courses all people follow...
In the book’s opening the author sends a letter to her “unknown known Reader” and opens a dialogue with him/her. Through this dialogue “in simple thoughts and deeds” of daily life...
(English Edition)
In the book’s opening the author sends a letter to her “unknown known Reader” and opens a dialogue with him/her. Through this dialogue “in simple thoughts and deeds” of daily life, the flow of life...
The second book of the series “The Timeless Master” speaks about the masters that guide us with their word and mostly their deeds in the path of esoteric seeking; a path they have...
The second volume of the series “The Timeless Master” talks about the masters who guide us on the path of our inner search through their word and mainly through their actions...
“Everything can be found and lost within the circles of life. Love never perishes, Love that is the Essence of all.” This attitude penetrates all chapters of this book, variations of the same...
(Ο Διαχρονικός Δάσκαλος III - Αγγλική Έκδοση)
«Τα πάντα μπορούν να βρεθούν και να χαθούν μέσα στους κύκλους της ζωής. Η αγάπη δεν χάνεται ποτέ, η Αγάπη που είναι η Ουσία των πάντων»...
“What is the point in all the theories, in accumulating information and acquiring knowledge, in the progress of sciences and technological leaps other than to bring an essential result...
“You cannot cross the changing space-time without changing yourself.” With small texts, written in a simple and completely comprehensible way, without requiring any special scientific...
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