

We invite you to our event: “Revealing the Hidden Wisdom of Poetry” (Morley College, London, 08/11/2019)

We invite you to our presentation at the Hellenic Centre, London 11/10/2018“ Echoing Word… from the infinite to the world, from the world to the human, from the human to the self.” The journey is fulfilled. A poetic trilogy of the contemporary Greek poet Dimitris Kakalidis

"Beyond the earth, beyond the mind, beyond the myth, a story true" - Our second event at the Hellenic Centre on 23/09/2016

Invitation to the presentation of the work of the distinguished poet and president of the Association of Greek Litterateurs, Mr Kostas Karousos 12-12-2015

Invitation to the 14th International Seminar of Omilos Eksipiretiton, 27-30 August 2015

Presentation of the work of the distinguished author Mrs Marlena Skoula-Periferaki, 06/06/2015

Invitation to the presentation of the work of prominent Mr Dionysis Kouledianos - 15/11/2014

Invitation to the presentation of the work of the prominent litteratuer Mr. Dinos Koubatis - 12/04/2014

“Experiences of a Spiritual Healer” – presentation through the eyes of two new spiritual healers - 27/01/2014

Literature Analysis Group on 16/12/2013

Invitation to the presentation of the work of the fine author and painter Mrs Panayiota Christopoulou-Zaloni, 23/11/2013

Poetry Analysis Group on 11/11/2013

Poetry Analysis Group on 23/09/2013

Πρόσκληση στην παρουσίαση του ποιητικού και λογοτεχνικού έργου της κ. Φαίδρας Ζαμπαθά - Παγουλάτου

Invitation to the presentation of the literary work of Mr. Kostas Stefanopoulos
Invitation to event in Korfos - Sofiko
Invitation: Ms Leta Koutsohera’s poetic work
Invitation: Dimitris Kakalidis written work
Invitation: Ms Eleni Apostolidou-Loukatou's poetic work
Invitation: Dimitris Kakalidis auctorial work
Invitation: "28 Years of Philosophy and Poetry"