

Literary award for the book “... Simple, isn't it?” at the outstanding event that was held by Mrs Panagiota Xristopoulou Zaloni – 22/04/2024
Award for our book "small temples on a wave" by the cultural association "To kafenio ton ideon" and 1st Prize of "optimistic poetry" to V.Ergazaki for the poem "Melodia Mouson"
1st Prize for a member of our Literary Workshop in "Vravronia 2014"
Distinction at the 29th Delphic Poetic Games for our Literary Group
Second Praise for Vassiliki Ergazaki's poem, member of our Literary Workshop
At a Panhellenic Poetry Symposium Paraskevi Kostopetrou was awarded for her book "I will be here"

First prize for Vassiliki Ergazaki's poetic collection, member of our Literary Workshop

1st poetry award to a member of our Literary Workshop

The poet Michael Kwaku Kesse Somuah was awarded in an international poetry contest and dedicated his award to Omilos as well

Another award for our literary group - 3rd prize for her poem "Disciples of Dawn"
“…Without the love of good heart and thought from Omilos, nothing would have made sense…”
1st Prize to poetess Vassiliki Ergazaki for her poem "Ah, patrida mou"
Our book "small temples on a wave" was awarded by the magazine CELAENO
2nd Prize on Free Poetic Expression for our poet Vasiliki Ergazaki
3rd International Literary Award in the 3rd International Literary Competition by NOSTOS, Argentina
1st World Prize & prize for "Recognition and Appreciation of Excellence in Poetry" - 22nd World Congress of Poets